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#omensocotour Recap 1 of 3

March 04, 2016

#omensocotour Recap 1 of 3


Group Photo starting the tour. Photo by Alex Mof.

Here is the first update from the road on the #omensocotour, or the Omen Southern Comfort Tour. The first day of the trip started with an awesome crew of Troy "yardwaste" Grenier, Dustin "monkey" Ascheman, Alex Mof, Levi Green, Cam Frazier, and Nate Blackburn. The tour started very well until we stopped the van for the first time at the WJ Skatepark in Eugene, Oregon. While there, Levi Green rolled into one of the bowls, and slipped on the incredibly slippery pavement and hit his noggin! So the paramedics came and took him away to the hospital.

Taking a knee for a fallen homie!

So we headed to the hospital,where we found out that Levi is very tough, but also had a tiny, super small injury called a skull fracture... wear your helmets kids! The very smart doctors advised us to let Levi stay with them over the evening so they could monitor him and make sure he was fine. So we slept, in the hospital parking lot.

Picture of Levi's head at the Hospital.

When we woke up we saw it had snowed on the ground.

We went into the hospital to wait for the doctors to tell Levi he was ok, so that we could continue on the tour. But the doctors were no where to be found, so we broke the doctors rules and headed out of the neurology ward and to the cafeteria. 

Levi Green making a break for the cafeteria, carrying his IV so it wouldn't make any noise...

After the doctors told us Levi is a savage. we drove to Mt. Shasta to meet up with Morgan Owens, and stay at the Owens Mountain Home. We arrived to multiple pizzas, and large amounts of cookies, and multiple beds.

Destroying pizza so hard, Thanks to the Owens Family for the amazing hospitality.

We woke up early to head out to a fun drifty hill in the area, and immediately realized how much fun we were about to have. A dry road, lined with snow, and plenty of drifting corners to shmang on. Within moments of arriving Nate promptly fell, dislocated his shoulder, roadrashed his leg, ripped his favorite pants, and was bummed.

Rule #1 on a roadtrip: Dont get hurt early in the road-trip. Photo by Cam Frazier.

After that the gang started to get in sync and skated an awesome run and got some very cool shots.
Here are those awesome Shots taken by Monkey of the gang.

View from inside the van as the boys were eager to dive into the run. Photo by Monkey.

Morgan Owens navigating between the snow patches and staying dry for NWest Media.

The journey took a wet and unexpected turn when we drove to New Mexico and then Arizona and we ran head first into a massive storm that lasted from Mt. Shasta all the way to Las Angeles and then pretty much all the way to Houston. The #mobileruckus is a magnificent stead, but she is not the most amazing snow vehicle, and that was pretty crazy for us to deal with! The Southern Comfort Tour started off with almost no comfort in the south, and was quite ironic that our Winter tour to the Southern States was filled with mainly snow and ice, but Seattle was sunny and dry.

We drove through the night till we got to Roswell New Mexico where we had breakfast food. While eating at Denny's we found out that the storm was a 1 in a million storm and the locals have never seen that much snow, which made us all feel slightly better knowing that we were not going to be driving through more of that type of weather.

Nate standing outside Carve Skateshop with the new 29" cruiser.

After leaving Roswell we smashed straight through to Houston. Which takes substantially longer to do than that short sentence would imply. Once we got to town we immediately drove to Carve Skateshop where Nate promptly got tasered. It was an unexpected welcoming but we were stoked to be able to hang out with the rowdy Texas Crew. 
(To see the video of Nate getting tasered, head to Skate[Slate] for the full Story.)