Morgan Owens styles out a Backside for his next ad in GQ magazine.
We just got back from one of the most unique and exciting events to date, the SUN PEAKS FREERIDE. This premier event opened up a whole new way to incorporate downhill skateboarding with a ski resort during the summer. Utilizing a pre-existing track used for Gravity Carts, the event organizer was able to close the track down for skateboarders, and open up the platter lift near the skate hill to shuttle people effectively up the steep grade. We brought along resident "photo technician" Nwest Media to capture the entire event through the lens of his camera, and all of the awesome shots that you see were taken by "Monkey" of NWEST MEDIA.
Nick Hanson is a fan of the magic carpet to the top of the hill.
There were a few things that were different about this event compared to many others. First, this event was positioned to be an awesome freeride, and not focus on racing. This increased the amount of fun had by all, and decreased the amount of time spent waiting around for a run. Second, this event didn't need to have a closed course to shuttle people back up the hill. This meant no down time for photographers, and an insanely high amount of runs. Third, this track is unlike any other road we have ever been to.
This picture is perfectly oriented to illustrate how awkwardly banked the corners are.
The Sun Peaks track is paved on a hill without any grading to the terrain to flatten out the desired road placement. This means that everything is off camber, and leans out of the apex of each corner. This means that every mistake is multiplied and often ends with washing out off the road. The corners are so close together as well that if you mess up one corner you are probably going to struggle to even make it around the next corner without crashing, which makes for some hectic and exciting riding.
Nick Hanson bites the dust, as Seattle homie, Stephen Keimach braces for impact.
We headed up with the OMEN #mobileruckus van and a rad group of skaters and photographers to go to the Kamloops Longboard park on Friday, and then make the short commute to the Sun Peaks track for Saturday and Sunday. Last weekend was filled with tight technical path riding that we all loved. Tight paths give you a chance to really express yourself and ride the way that you want down some very technical features.
Everyone poses for an amazing album cover for the #omenbackdoortour
Stop 1 had us at the Kamloops Longboard Park hanging with the KLC, or Kamloops Longboard Club. Here is a quick summary of our time there visually depicted with photos.
Packing people into a tight hairpin at the Kamloops Longboard Park.
Everyone's favorite Skateslate Wizard, Jon Huey, handles the technical turns with style and ease.
Stephen Keimach is one of our favorite Seattle Skaters, and made the journey with us to this awesome playground.
Morgan Owens, no stranger to steep danger, pushes through a toeside on his Spawn.
Stop 2 had us at the Sun Peaks resort from some group bonding and some rowdy downhill skating. Nwest Media took some awesome photos and gave us some pretty bangers to use of the OMEN crew shredding this next level course.
Here is Nick Hanson hammering down the tight technical corners of Sun Peaks.
Nate Blackburn struggles to stay on the tight track, but manages to be seen everywhere in his bright and ugly sweater.
Morgan Owens skating in his favorite Cow one-sie, and using the Cow force to peg this inside line.
Parker Schmidt gets dramatically lit up as he stands tall into a quick hairpin.
Morgan hits the racing line, and was one of the first people to skate the hill full standup, and win $20.
We may call him #sloppyassnick, but Nick Hanson is a dialed skater who punishes most hills and pushes himself to skate faster and faster every time he steps on a board.
Did we mention the lift to the top of the hill? Here is Morgan stretching his legs for the ride down.
Undisputed Homie and all time Shredder, Sean Young, gets this plug for being a rad dude, winning the fastest time on the course, and having a style on and off the hill that is amazing to be around! You are the man!
That wraps up another awesome trip in the Omen Ruckus, and another great weekend spent with good friends, and good times. We are always blown away at how many good times can come about when you pack a van full of skaters and drive to a new place to skate. Thanks to the people who made it happen, as well as Lee Cation of UNKLE Events for making another amazing time had on skateboards. Check out last weeks BLOG to find out where the #mobileruckus is headed next!
Dates and Stops for the #omenbackdoortour
June 10 // Kamloops Longboard Park Bar-B-Que
June 11-12 // Skate Sun Peaks, an UNKLE event
June 18-19 // Maryhill G-Ride, Arguably the best Pack skating Freeride
June 21-25 // Maryhill Showdown at the Loops, formerly the Festival of Speed
June 27-29 // Giants Head Freeride, Arguably the best technical freeride.
July 1-3 // Whistler Longboard Festival, Awesome Event, Awesome-er Vibes
July 9-10 // Salt Spring Slasher, Candidate for best event you never heard of
All Photos were taken by Dustin "monkey" Ascheman of Nwest Media. Monkey is a long time supporter of the scene and a consistent positive influence in terms of producing media, working with companies, and being a rad guy. If you have ever been around him for even a minute you can immediately tell that Monkey is having a good time, and wants you to have a good time as well. For that we love him, and that is why we always invite him back on the #mobileruckus.
Till Next time we hop out of the van!